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MasterSoft LIB-Man
What Is MasterSoft LIB-Man?
* Say “Goodbye” to “Manual Processes” with MasterSoft's Lib-Man. Automate all aspects of library management, from “Book Acquisition” to “Circulation” & “Inventory Management” with just a few clicks.
* With features like “RFID Integration”, “Online Cataloging”, & "Scanning & Bar-Coding”, Lib-Man streamlines library operations and “Improves Accessibility” for students and faculty.
* Track records of “How Many Books were Issued” or “How Many Books Were Returned/Renewed or Have Late Fine Charges”
Who Uses MasterSoft LIB-Man?
Ideal for libraries in “Schools”, “Colleges”, and “Universities” to “Track Books”, “Handle Book Requests” of large numbers of students, and “Easy Cataloging” of books based on subjects and genres.